FREE Oils + Welcome Kit in January!
New year, new you, right? This year, one of the intentions I made to myself was to put more energy into the Young Living business.
I love the oils, have been using them for decades, so why not turn that passion and experience into something more.
And to help others get started on their own journeys, each month this year I’ll be gifting a customized Welcome Kit with free oils and samples to everyone who signs up and purchases a Premium Starter Kit with me.
Curious as to what this month’s kit looks like?
Check it out:
January 2019 New Member Welcome Kit
What’s included?
10ml bottle of Orange
Bottle of Carrier Oil (so you can create your own roller blends!)
6 Amber Roller Bottles with gold lids
Sample Bottle (2oz) of Thieves Household Cleaner
Diffuser Recipes
Roller Blend Recipes
PLUS you get full access to a Facebook Group where you can ask questions, share DIYs and more!
Here is a sample of a welcome kit put together for a special mama friend just before the holidays!
If you’d like to learn more send me an email and let’s chat! >>