Cloth diapering essentials
Covers & Inserts
We used covers and prefolds from 0-19 months and then once Mina was day time potty trained we switched to inserts and all-in-ones for overnight.
wet bags
Wet bags are insanely handy, even beyond potty training! When Mina was a baby we would always have a smaller wet bag with us to throw any soiled items in and one to keep reusable wipes and our spray in. We (still) keep a larger wet bag at home to put the dirty (overnight) diapers in until we do laundry. Wet bags are great and can be thrown in the wash at the same time as the diapers. *We’re still not overnight potty trained.
reusable wipes
Reusable wipes can be anything! you can purchase some already cut and sewn, or you can take any cotton fabric you have, sew up the edges and use those. in case going that extra diy step isn’t your thing, here are some brands we’ve used and love. Also, if you’re going the cloth wipes route, you will need a glass spray bottle (we use a larger size for home and a smaller size for travel), plus either water + a drop of your favorite antibacterial essential oil or a pre-made wipes solution. I’ve linked both just in case!
some great spray bottle options:
wipe solutions: