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LIST: Things to Keep Your Little Ones Entertained at Home

In these times of uncertainty, we, as parents, must be fluid and try to stay on top of our information or find resources we trust. None of us ended last year thinking we would be in this crazy COVID-19 situation, but here we are.

Social distancing is being recommended to all. To help stop the rampant spread so that our first responders and hospitals are not overwhelmed and can safely treat any affected.

That said, I know that the unexpected nature of this can leave us feeling unsure of what to do - especially if we’ve just been told to keep our kids home for the next month.

There are so many wonderful mamas out there sharing resources to keep our little ones entertained during this time! I’ve compiled a list of some great ideas/links for you to use! If you have any others, please feel free to comment them. I’ll continue to add as I see them!